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Aurora Citrine Triangle Necklace


Aurora Citrine Triangle Necklace

Auora necklace citrine edited V2 selected.jpg
Auora necklace citrine edited V2 selected.jpg

Aurora Citrine Triangle Necklace


The Aurora triangle necklace named after the Roman Goddess of Dawn will bring statement luxury to its wearer. Delicate as it strong this necklace will take you to the days of Italy gone by. Made from Sterling Silver and Citrine Aquamarine or Amethyst. Citing the colour of the morning golden sun, and the hot beach sand. Aquamarine the blue Afternoon sky and cool clear, costal waters. Inky Amethyst, the dusk coloured sky.

Style with delicate layering necklaces or alone. Perfect for day or evening wear.

Part of Kathryn Duncan's Italian themed Sicilian Collection the Aurora necklace is entirely produced and hand finished in the UK.

Long fine Sterling Silver chain, 37cm in length.

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